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Mind > Limit

What to Expect

1:1 Conceirge Service

If it is your first time to the CHVRCH studio, arrive 15 minutes prior to the start of the scheduled class time.

When you arrive at the studio, check in with the front desk, who will help you sign-in for your bike, give you a tour of the studio, and set up your bike with you. Your bike settings will be saved for future rides. Learning to safely clip in and off your bike is important.

Please note, that if you have not signed in 5 minutes before the class starts, your bike may be released. Once the window has passed, we will lock the front door to avoid class disruption.

What to Wear

We suggest sporting a tee, tank, or sports bra on top and form-fitting pants or shorts on the bottom. We also provide hair ties for those with longer hair.

You are not required to own cycling shoes. We offer shoe rentals, without a membership, at $2 per class and shoe rentals are included for free with a monthly membership.

If you have your own shoes, we recommend Look Delta clips, but our pedals are also SPD compatible.

During Class

You will have a towel and clean headphones on your assigned bike. These headphones give riders the ability to hear both the playlist and the instructor teaching while you ride, like silent disco. They also give you the opportunity to adjust the volume to however sounds right for you.

Stay hydrated during the class. You can bring your own water bottle which you can fill up at the studio. We also sell bottled water for $2.

During the class, the instructor will lead you through various choreography, which is optional to participate in. Take the class at your own pace without pressure.

Read our FAQs for more tips and info. If you have any questions, email us at